Time Out for Rhythm

Time Out for Rhythm is a 1941 musical comedy film starring Rudy Valle, Ann Miller and the Three Stooges Moe Howard, Larry Fine, and Curly Howard.

Eventually, she causes Danny and Mike to split. Around the same time Danny and his assistant OffBeat Davis meet Frances maid Kitty Brown Ann Miller, a shy tapdancing wonder, and try to find her work... but without Mike, their new agency cannot get going successfully. Mike is not having any luck on his own either, despite the fact he and Frances are now engaged to be married.When Danny has the opportunity to produce a New Yorkbased variety show with Kitty and Joan Merrill as herself as the headliners, he and Mike finally make amends when he needs Mikes help to seal the deal. But Frances blackmails Danny, threatening to break Mikes heart if she is not cast as the star of the show. Mike eventually learns about this and finally sees Frances for who she really is and leaves her. Mike moves forward, with Danny as his friend and business partner once again, to work on the show starring Kitty. ........

Source: Wikipedia